Product designer by day, NFT creator by night.

Mighty Health Jennifer Wu Mighty Health Jennifer Wu

Daily Progress Tracker

I joined Mighty Health as their first product designer and led a complete redesign amidst a complete payer model transition from payer to direct consumer. Insights found from user research led to a daily progress tracker feature that resulted in a 60% retention rate on the first few days.

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Mighty Health Jennifer Wu Mighty Health Jennifer Wu

Push Notification A/B Test

Due to the new iOS 14 update, successful funnel experiments I conducted at Mighty Health started performing worse due to unpredictable fluctuations in audience quality targeted by ads. Through comparative analysis and quick iterating, I was able to increase trial conversions by 58.2% thanks to a unique approach to our push notification strategy.

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Eggie Planet Jennifer Wu Eggie Planet Jennifer Wu

NFT Project

For the 2022 NFT Hackathon hosted by ETHGlobal, I created a randomly generated set of NFTs called Eggie Planet. It was a rewarding experience to learn how to compile unique traits, discover creative ways of minting, and create a smart contract to assign NFTs.

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SAP Jennifer Wu SAP Jennifer Wu

Web Redesign

I was contracted to redesign SAP’s early-stage startup accelerator’s website because their dropoff rate was unusually high. By conducting UX research on their target demographic, startup founders, I created UI designs that increased overall sessions on the website by 25% and 2.5% in session duration.

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